Hi! I get this error in my system console when opening Blender with ZenSets “version”: (2, 4, 3, 2) I have not noticed runtime errors, but wondering if this is safe to ignore or should be fixed
TypeError: EnumProperty(...): expected a tuple containing (identifier, name, description) and optionally an icon name and unique number
ValueError: bpy_struct "MESH_OT_zsts_create_node_group_to_color" registration error: 'node_type' EnumProperty could not register (see previous error)
TypeError: EnumProperty(...): expected a tuple containing (identifier, name, description) and optionally an icon name and unique number
ValueError: bpy_struct "MESH_OT_zsts_create_node_select_by_id" registration error: 'node_type' EnumProperty could not register (see previous error)
TypeError: EnumProperty(...): expected a tuple containing (identifier, name, description) and optionally an icon name and unique number
ValueError: bpy_struct "MESH_OT_zsts_create_node_name_to_id" registration error: 'node_type' EnumProperty could not register (see previous error)