TypeError: Enum Property when opening Blender 4.2

Hi! I get this error in my system console when opening Blender with ZenSets “version”: (2, 4, 3, 2) I have not noticed runtime errors, but wondering if this is safe to ignore or should be fixed

TypeError: EnumProperty(...): expected a tuple containing (identifier, name, description) and optionally an icon name and unique number
ValueError: bpy_struct "MESH_OT_zsts_create_node_group_to_color" registration error: 'node_type' EnumProperty could not register (see previous error)
TypeError: EnumProperty(...): expected a tuple containing (identifier, name, description) and optionally an icon name and unique number
ValueError: bpy_struct "MESH_OT_zsts_create_node_select_by_id" registration error: 'node_type' EnumProperty could not register (see previous error)
TypeError: EnumProperty(...): expected a tuple containing (identifier, name, description) and optionally an icon name and unique number
ValueError: bpy_struct "MESH_OT_zsts_create_node_name_to_id" registration error: 'node_type' EnumProperty could not register (see previous error)

We have checked and do not see any error messages. Sometimes when you are upgrading to higher Blender version and use copy settings, it may break addon. In this case you need:

  1. Remove addon
  2. Restart Blender
  3. Install addon
  4. Restart Blender